“I want an attorney.”
Goins Law only has one goal when it comes to criminal defense: DISMISSAL. We work with former prosecutors and agents, along with respected consultants and forensic scientists and accountants to give you the best defense possible.
We provide you with as much information as possible about your options so you can understand your circumstances. Various criminal defense areas include, but are not limited to:
- Abandonment and Withdrawal
- Affirmative Defense
- Coercion and Duress
- Consent
- Insanity Pleas
- Intoxication
- Self-defense
- Statute of Limitations
Goins Law will explain the process to you and find the best defense for your case. Our experienced lawyers are well-versed, we don’t sleep, because we know dismissals or other favorable outcomes don’t happen by sheer luck. With Goins Law, you get Goins Law; no in-between or middlemen. You GET GOINS.